How To Do Sprint Retrospectives Easy #2

Photo by Parabol | The Agile Meeting Toolbox on Unsplash

Reading time: 7 mins

A few days ago we went over the first part of “How to make sprint retrospectives easy” and today we are continuing on the subject. We will give more details about how to properly get feedback and how to set owners to the newly identified problems your team has surfaced. Nothing is easy but practice makes perfect and this small guide will make your life easier on how to tackle sensible situations while making progress.

Prepare your data

  • You have a list of problems that people care about
  • You have a list of possible solutions, no matter how feasible they are
  • Your team had time to think it through, so things might change

Create an excel file (or Google sheet):

  • List of issues that you want to fix (“Problems”) and try to group them in 3-5 “areas”. These will be your “pillars”
  • Give them name codes. That always helps, unless it doesn’t. A lot of people don’t really like namecodes, but are good with colors. Have a different color for each pillar.
  • Organize your actions for each PIllar
  • Make sure you didn’t miss anything and set up a Retrospective follow up meeting

You can take it one pillar at a time or all together, depending on how the team is feeling. If people get tired, break. Pizza helps in the start of these meetings to calm spirits and start constructive conversations.

Low hanging apples

Review actions for each pillar, add new stuff, modify existing ones 10-15 mins.

Now let’s see what can be done relatively quickly and with little effort. Put those on top of the action list and add owners against them. Should be done by EOD, right?

Fourth (hidden) rule: You shouldn’t be owning the actions. You’re accountable but not responsible. You’re driving the process, not loading the truck. Yes you could have one or two. Or help your colleagues out, but just don’t have your name against half the list.

Fifth rule: Always an owner (not 5) Always an ETA. IF not an ETA, an ETA for the ETA.

Other fields:

  • Priority: good, not mandatory
  • Impact: important when you report to others outside the team

Your table will look like this

Feedback ItemAction Key ActionStatusETAOwnerPriorityImpactComments

The real deal

Tough part starts now. You’ll likely have actions that require other parties to be involved to help or even divine intervention. Don’t panic! Take them one by one, assess the impact and also add the feasibility of the solution.

Likely people will start to complain, you’ll might hear things like:

  • We’ve done this x times and it didn’t work
  • This is always like that around here
  • Don’t even think of starting that conversation with them!
  • They are the ones that stay in the path of greatness
  • They are always like that
  • They something something

That’s when you need to steer the conversation to:

  • That was then this is now
  • Who are “they”? Let’s engage “them” to explain the impact. So add an action on the list with an Owner and ETA.

Oh, and there are the “impossible” things that you might find on the list

  • Add Owners and ETA
  • Find out why they are not feasible

And now it’s time for another


Breaks are good, people think about things, they get to talk and come up with creative ways of dealing with things. Breaks are good.

What have you achieved

  • You have a list of Feedback items grouped in Pillars
  • You have a list of clear actions for each Pillar with Owners and ETA
  • You have a new thing that you need to drive and it will take time

This is it for today, if missed the first part of “How to make sprint retrospectives easy”, here you can find it.

I hope you enjoyed today’s article, please give us a thumbs up if you did and let us know what other Software Development subjects might interest you.

See you around.

How To Do Sprint Retrospectives Easy #1

Reading time: 5 mins

Retrospective time again?

Yes, things go fast around here, 2 weeks have passed and the sprint is done. Time to have the same problems put on the table and move on. Why should it be different this time?

Team Meeting
Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

Get the feedback

Yes, this simple. Usually feedback is noted down by the team members on stickies in various apps or in excel. You could have the same thing over and over again. This time do something different: Add an Anonymous Survey.

If it’s a problem, don’t just ask what the problem is, also mention what could be a solution? Is there something realistic that we can do to solve it?

Fetch the data and showcase it to the team. Remove the nasty bits if there are any and leave them for the secret meetings.

You could have something like this:

Retrospective FeedbackTypeSituationSolution
GeorgeContinue DoingI like that we have lunch together and we can chat freely of what is going on without management overhearing usN/A
ElaineStart DoingLunches need to start having soup as a first dishJust order the soup of the day
KramerStart DoingWe need to take turns in playing for the foodPick a random order and just do it
GeorgeContinue DoingOrdering desert after we finish eatingN/A
NewtonStop doingOrdering desert after we finish eatingI want to leave early
YevContinue DoingEveryone behave when ordering soupN/A
YevStop DoingDisrespecting the rules of the soup shopNo rule, no order
JerryStart DoingWe need some direction, everyone is doing what they want, my things don’t get deliveredHave people telling us what we need to do and not wait
An example that will help you view better your team’s input and possible solution

Yes, you can add names, be careful that if they match with your team members it could be confusing.


So this is not your average retrospective. People know what they wrote, they don’t know what others wrote. The juicy stuff will appear.

First rule: not mentioning who wrote it even if it’s obvious

Second rule: Look at what can be done, not at what was done and why can’t it work

Third (hidden) rule: Grab some pizza or similar. Hungry people are grumpy. 

Start by organising your time:

  • Too many feedback items?
  • Take 5/10 mins to group them on areas 
  • Still too many?
  • Take 5-10 mins to pick 3-5 areas. Share a number of badges throughout the team, let them vote with badges. Top get selected.
  • Pick 1-2 items from each area. In the same way. You should end up with 7-10 items that you want to debate.

Top items solutions brainstorm

You have your top items that you want to take action on. Take them one at a time. It could take time, so if it’s too much, break and meet again.

Put down the actions no matter how improbable they are, you don’t get to filter them now. Just add the details there

Sprint Retrospective Board
Photo by Daria Nepriakhina 🇺🇦 on Unsplash


Breaks are good, people think about things, they get to talk and come up with creative ways of dealing with things. Breaks are good.

What have you achieved

  • You have a list of problems that people care about
  • You have a list of possible solutions, no matter how feasible they are 
  • You have a team that started to speak about the important stuff

This was all for today, please let us know if you enjoyed this article and if there are other items you would like to know more about.

More (Part 2)